Monday, July 31, 2006

lori v. street-urchin-trivia-dude.

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lori's blogfest is over and i think we are all recovering nicely while heading back to the 100 grit grind of the working week. i tried to post this picture of lori v. street-urchin-trivia-dude on saturday but my battery ate it. happy about a dollar and loaded with the knowledge that cows drink not silk, not milk, but indeed water, lori faced our urchin and won.

Saturday, July 29, 2006

happy for the perros.

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i think it shows.
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sooo, malone's wireless actually... wait for it...

doesn't work.

now at billy miner's on sundance square. happily watching lori try to connect.

lori's big plan.

lori wants to blog at malone's. malone's opens at 6pm. "meet me there at 4pm!" ok, man.
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visit my pal lori's page today. she is blogging for dogs. really.

Friday, July 28, 2006


don't miss the bath mat. gawd, i love this song.


this is what i feel like when i come home and there are turds from my neighbors' dog's anus on my porch:
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that being said, i will take this moment to direct you to what that sounds like. have like, a super day.

Thursday, July 27, 2006


this is a nice little thread from gawker today on everyone's bff, dov charney. party in the warehouse! shake it, dov! and tell it like it is, man.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

happy belated mother's day.

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dear mom:
congrats on your new job! i love you. thanks for not drowning me in a tub.


pee ess: don't miss the houston "blogosphere's" reaction.

pee pee ess: help stop people who should not have kids from fucking.

headcoatee humpday.

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this is old but a worthy reposting. itunes failed me this morning by playing the adicts and ennio morricone over and over. i always run to this stuff when i get tired of everything else.
3 hours of the headcoats music and related. like, more importantly, um, THEE HEADCOATEES. one section of fem-centric headcoatees/holly golightly/delmonas business. good god. listen all the way through, but do not miss davey crockett at 1:13:24. have fun.

reason #268.

men! attention! are you straight? DO NOT DATE YOUNGER WOMEN/GIRLS. throw your money away on crack and booze until they break apart your miserable life, but stay away from the younger ladies. i offer for you this tale.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

bocce, bier, a jew.

no matter what texas monthly (or just about anyone...) says about kinky friedman's chance at being the next governor of texas, i think he is exactly what this languidly conservative state needs. since when has texas become so conservative? over the past 27 years. before that? uh, pre-reconstruction.

go out to west u this weekend and give the guy a hug for doing what he does so strangely.
and play game of bocce.

monkey-faced jerk

if you have seen the uplifting new york dolls documentary starring arthur kane, you will no doubt love this bit of work.

thanks, kim.

pee ess: i am going to blast raffi's "bananaphone" on my way to lunch. since when do the new york dolls make kid's songs?
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it's never too early to start thinking of ways to make your dog look like a real goober/fleece wearing nun at the dog park. winter is coming! protect ya dog's neck! bring tha ruckus!

road agent: ambush #2

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last friday was the second reception at road agent for their summer blow-out, ambush shows. obsessively wonderful erick swenson head with some sailor-esque tattoo work on the skull...

Monday, July 24, 2006

always a runner-up. sometimes lacking "brevity of wit."

oh well. i love the idea of making up stories about people. i suppose jayson blair and i have two things in common.

happy birfday, jordan.

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well then! kim makes you a cake, you eat mi casita, celebrate your birthday one day early and then pass out. xoxo.

summer and siam

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staying inside in with your dog is one of smartest choices one can make living in/through a summer in texas.