Thursday, August 17, 2006

ah, the jux.

ok, here's the game. pick a celebrity. got 'em? ok, now imagine them trying to impress you with their music knowledge. whatcha got?
guess what? who cares! this picture has already been made.


Blogger MC said...

I don't get it. What's she holding?

yoadtt!!! (i am not a robot.)

9:53 AM  
Blogger MC said...

p.s. maybe this is going someplace i really shouldn't be going... but....


....the word verification thing has a "handicap" option where you can listen and type the numbers you hear, instead of trying to copy the squiggly letters in a jpg file above.

It's an alternative, yes; but a "handicapped" alternative? Can anyone think of a situation where, due to physical disability, a person would be able to leave a comment like I am doing now but UNABLE to copy the squiggly letters??


9:58 AM  
Blogger of_clem said...

lovely paris is holding a copy of captain beefheart's 1969 album, "trout mask replica." i think it is probably fair to assume that she was only using it to vacuum lines of cocaine from.

perhaps an individual that is partially sighted? and using a device from one of these these companies?

6:11 PM  
Blogger MC said...

Gotcha. I didn't consider the ability to resize text (mega-big), but the inability to resize a jpg. Also potentially useful for cats engaged in illegal cat-typing.

6:50 AM  

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