Monday, November 06, 2006

totally drunk right now.

drunk blogging.
ok already with this writing thing. i am going to write with the fruitcake brigade's novel writing month in february but, i am also going to just go and drink/attempt to write something on a yet to be determined and completely arbitrary date in the near future. interested in making this a group project instead of dooming me to drink by myself? please comment below with a suggested date.

[nadruwrini coverage via gawker.]


Blogger Kacey3 said...

Since I can't do NaNoWriMo on account of school and shit, I'd totally be willing to do NaDruWriNi! I'm hella busy with everything else, but a night off would do me a world of good. Most of my free nights would be during the week, maybe a Thursday?

2:23 PM  
Blogger Lori H said...

Seeing as those are my hands with the beer and the know I'm totally in. Give me advance notice, a headache free night, and some beer, and I'm in.

9:27 PM  
Blogger MC said...

You know I have some extra laptops sitting around in case anyone yaks on theirs. I'm in, too.

Lucky for you those squiggly green "human check" letters down there pretty much prohibit drunk commenting.

6:15 AM  
Blogger of_clem said...

hmmm, maybe this should be a new year's eve thing.

6:54 AM  

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