Friday, July 13, 2007

bypass loppers. well, just lopper.

i love this bypass lopper. seriously.

i have been working little by little this week cleaning up trees around my yard, taking care of plant beds and using the corona 24" bypass lopper to do it. the corona lopper is lightweight, compact, durable, shock absorbing and makes hot, sweaty, mosquito infested work go by a lot faster.

i have had my pair for almost 4 years now and will use them at least once a month if not (as is the case with spring-summer) a couple times every couple of weeks. they are a bit stained but still cut beautifully. additionally, the grips on my model are rubber and not the WACK high-density foam business you will find on other loppers. CHEAPER loppers...

i warn you, do not buy non-bypass loppers: your back will hurt, your arms will hurt, you will want your $30 back and then you will go buy a corona.



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