Tuesday, August 22, 2006

buffy the vampire slayer.

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oh, me. oh, my. i just finished watching the first and second seasons of buffy the vampire slayer. this all started on the recommendation of kimmers who swears it the greatest thing ever.

to be honest, the show is really good. look above! giles was once a bass player circa '78 uk!

AND it is really easy to get obsessed with the bad clothes that willow wears.


Blogger k said...

now you need your third season fix. i have you trapped dibley!

3:05 PM  
Blogger Kacey3 said...

You need to watch Angel concurrently when he breaks off onto his own show. The crossovers die down after the first season or so, but its a great way to double your pleasure and double your fun.

3:17 PM  

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