Thursday, August 24, 2006

last supper: mr. sucksticks.

well, kiddos. it's all over but the crying, eh? denton's precious acreage of fry st. is going to be seeing some serious changes. don't fret, mr.chopsticks will be moving across the street in due time...

always a critic of the food there, i am not above grabbing to-go when my blood sugar drops to pass-out critical. so today:
mr. sucksticks: combo b.
my last mr. chopsticks meal from the original location. eaten at my desk. eaten unceremoniously while i think about being set-up on a blind date. with one of my now best friends... ok, i'm a bit weepy.


Blogger k said...

Donna Fielder is an unruly ho.

6:10 PM  
Blogger k said...

also, i wonder if the number of food related illnesses in town will drastically drop in the interim.

6:26 PM  
Blogger of_clem said...

quite possibly. i always think about emilie's keck-fest with veggie sushi...

6:00 AM  

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